Abundant Living Faith Center plans toy and food giveaway this month in El Paso – El Paso Times
| El Paso Times

Abundant Living Faith toy drive
The Abundant Living Faith church held a toy drive at the El Paso County Coliseum on Saturday morning.
Abundant Living Faith Center will have a toy and food giveaway Dec. 12 and Dec. 19.
The megachurch is known for its Christmas toy giveaway and has modified its charitable giving with the coronavirus pandemic.
“We want the community to know that Abundant is a church for all, in all seasons. This Christmas, families need to be reminded that they are deeply cared for. By sharing a box of food and toys, it ensures a child isn’t forgotten, a family is well fed, and the Christmas spirit is kept alive and well in El Paso,” Charles Nieman, senior pastor, said in a news release.
Co-sponsored by El Pasoans Fighting Hunger Food Bank, Albertsons, and Hand of Hope Ministries, the church’s annual giveaway event will start at 11 a.m. Saturday at the East Side location, 1000 Valley Crest Drive. Two thousand boxes of food and 4,000 toys will be available.
The second toy and food giveaway will be at 11 a.m. Dec. 19 at the West Side location, 7100 Desert Blvd N.
The giveaways are first come, first served.
The Christmas festivities will round out with a Christmas Eve church service at each campus.
More: Chick-fil-A restaurants in El Paso and Las Cruces to offer free sandwich next week via app
More: The Kelly Center for Hunger Relief in Central El Paso needs volunteers to distribute food
María Cortés González may be reached at 915-546-6150; mcortes@elpasotimes.com; @EPTMaria on Twitter.
Published at Sat, 12 Dec 2020 00:23:14 +0000