China’s battle with coronavirus on frozen food and packaging
Article content continued
fish Packaging Monteiro Industria de Pescados Ltd for a week from Sept 26. X]
Sept. 20 Squid Russia Jilin in Packaging The Changchun COVID-19 prevention office said the squid had been
Changchun imported from Russia by a company in Hunchun city and brought to the
provincial capital.
Sept. 11 Chinese customs have said they will suspend imports from companies
for a week if frozen food products test positive, and for a month if
a supplier’s products test positive for a third time or more.
Aug.13 White Ecuador Xian in Outer [nS0N2F003
shrimp Shaanxi Packaging 8][nS0N2EH
Aug.13 Chicken Brazil Shenzhen in Food and Chinese authorities identified a meat plant owned by Brazilian
wings Guangdong packaging unlisted company as the source of the chicken wings. Brazil said it
had not been officially notified and that it was seeking
clarification from Chinese authorities. Brazil later asked for proof
that chicken wings had coronavirus.
Aug.10 White Ecuador Wuhu in Anhui Outer CCTV reported that imported frozen shrimp from Ecuador at a
shrimp Packaging restaurant in Wuhu city tested positive.
July 16 White Ecuador Yunnan Outer Producers included Industrial Pesquera Santa Priscila S.A, Empacreci
shrimp Packaging S.A, Empacadora Del Pacifico Sociedad Anonima Edpacif S.A.
July 14 White Ecuador Chongqing Outer
shrimp Packaging
July 3 White Ecuador Xiamen in Outer Producers were Industrial Pesquera Santa Priscila S.A and Empacreci
shrimp Fujian Packaging S.A
July 3 White Ecuador Dalian in Outer Producer was Empacadora Del Pacifico Sociedad Anonima Edpacif S.A
shrimp Liaodong Packaging
(Reporting by Shivani Singh, Dominique Patton and Beijing newsroom; Editing by Vinay Dwivedi and Sherry Jacob-Phillips)
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