Empty Stocking Fund, Dec. 6, 2020

Who you’ve helped this year: An Española mother of five fell behind on her bills after missing work to care for her sick children. The Empty Stocking Fund helped her pay her water, sewer, trash, gas, electric and insurance bills.
How it works: Applications for funding are carefully vetted. Members of the Empty Stocking Committee review requests and meet with each qualifying applicant to examine records of outstanding bills or other needs, and to verify the applicant’s income. If a request is approved, the committee sends a check directly to the service supplier. The cap for most requests is $1,000.
2020 goal: $275,000
This holiday charity project of The New Mexican began in 1981 and is jointly administered by the Santa Fe Community Foundation, Enterprise Bank and Trust, the Salvation Army, Presbyterian Medical Services, The Life Link, Habitat for Humanity, Esperanza Shelter, the Housing Trust and two private individuals.
To donate: Make tax-deductible donations online at santafenewmexican.com/empty_stocking or mail a check to The New Mexican’s Empty Stocking Fund c/o the Santa Fe Community Foundation, P.O. Box 1827, Santa Fe, NM 87504-1827. Donors can choose to remain anonymous.
To provide a service such as roofing or home repairs, contact Habitat for Humanity at repairs@santafehabitat.org. To contribute food, clothing, toys, housewares, furniture, firewood, or other items or services, call the Salvation Army at 505-988-8054.
Roger and Louise Hill: $200
Louis and Shannon Hine: $50
Kimberly MacLoud, in memory of Michael McCracken: $100
Ann MacVicar: $25
Gene and Kathi Schofield: $1,000
David and Fleur Wright: $250
Total: $1,625
Cumulative total: $108,682.67
Published at Sun, 06 Dec 2020 01:55:00 +0000