Go To Travel coupons worth ¥1 million stolen from Shizuoka hotel – Japan Today
A hotel in Shimoda City, Shizuoka Prefecture, has reported the theft of 1,000 coupons from the government’s Go To Travel subsidy campaign. Intended to encourage domestic travel, the stolen coupons are worth one million yen.
According to police, an employee of the Kurofune Hotel noticed the coupons were missing around 1:15 p.m. on Sunday Dec 13, Sankei Shimbun reported. The Go To Travel coupons, which can be redeemed at the users’ travel destinations, were kept in an unlocked office on the premises. The theft is believed to have occurred between 7 p.m. on Dec 11 and 7 p.m. the following day.
The coupons were valid in six prefectures, including Shizuoka and Tokyo, and were to be given to hotel guests.
The government on Monday announced it was suspending the Go To Travel campaign from Dec 28 until Jan 11 to try and halt the surge in coronavirus cases nationwide.
© Japan Today
Published at Thu, 17 Dec 2020 06:17:37 +0000