Ontario unveils more details of its COVID-19 vaccination program – mybancroftnow.com
The Ontario government has released more details on how the COVID-19 vaccine rollout will work.
Officials say the first doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine will arrive next week and will go to two hospital sites, one in Toronto and one in Ottawa.
They say over 2,500 health care workers from long-term care and hospitals will receive the first doses.
It’s expected another 90,000 doses will be received before the end of January which will go to 14 hospital sites in Grey-Lockdown and Red-Control.
Pending Health Canada approval, between 35,000 and 85,000 doses of the Moderna vaccine are expected to arrive in Ontario before the end of January.
Those doses will go to long-term care homes in Grey-Lockdown areas.
In early 2021, its expected the number of hospital sites with the Pfizer vaccine will be expanded to 21.
Published at Fri, 11 Dec 2020 21:19:16 +0000